Big Changes Ahead: Integrating Our Mobile Receipts App with Our Banking Platform!

At Bullet, we’re always looking for ways to streamline your accounting processes and enhance your experience with our tools. That’s why we have some exciting news to share about our mobile apps that will make managing your business finances even easier.

Why We’re Making Changes

We’ve decided to retire our standalone Mobile Receipts App. But don’t worry—this isn’t the end! Instead, we’re folding its functionality into our comprehensive Banking App. This change allows us to focus on a single, more robust platform that integrates banking and accounting into a seamless experience. Our goal is to concentrate our development efforts on enhancing this new platform, ensuring it meets all your business needs efficiently.

Benefits of the New Integrated App

Integrating the receipts handling into our Banking App means you’ll enjoy:

  • Streamlined Operations: Handle all your financial transactions, from banking to receipt management, in one place.
  • Enhanced Features: Benefit from new features and improvements faster, as we focus our development efforts on enhancing a single app.
  • Simplified User Experience: With one less app to navigate, managing your business finances will be simpler and more intuitive.

A Workaround: Adding Receipts via Google Drive

Until the new integrated app is launched, you can still manage your receipts easily using our Google Drive option. Here’s how it works:

  1. Scan or take a photo of your receipt.
  2. Upload it directly to a designated Google Drive folder.
  3. Go to edit invoice section in Bullet. You’ll see ‘Attach File’ button on the right menu.
  4. Pick the Google Drive option at the very bottom and attach the uploaded file.

To help you with this transition, we’ve prepared a detailed video tutorial that guides you through the process of uploading your receipts using Google Drive. Stay tuned for the video link right below, and follow the steps to ensure a smooth transition.

[Click Here For A Video Tutorial]

Looking Forward

We’re excited about this new phase and believe that integrating our apps will provide you with a more powerful, all-in-one tool to manage your business finances. We understand that changes can be challenging, but we’re here to support you every step of the way.

Thank you for your continued trust in Bullet. We’re eager to embark on this journey with you and are confident that the new integrated platform will help your business thrive even more!